Thursday, August 27, 2009

Habit of saving money can reduce job loss problems

Job loss can be very tragic for an individual. The person has to be strong, not only for his or her own sake, but also for the sake of the family. People should have the habit of saving money. This will help to prevent great trauma during a job loss. Saving money regularly will help the individual and the family to sustain till a new job is found.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What happens when a person loses a job?

People around the world have for the first time tasted the effects of recession. Recession and job losses are synonymous. It causes various hardships and family problems. Some of the common problems faced by families are:

Financial problems: This is the most common problem. People who had a lot of money to spend suddenly feel the pinch of financial troubles. They are not able to provide for the daily needs of the family. This can lead to strife in the family and even break the family. This is the extent to which job loss and recession can affect the family due to financial problems.

Self-confidence: There is also a loss of self-confidence. This is because people who have lost their jobs in times of recession feel that they are worthless. This makes them very disappointed with themselves leading to various kinds of health problems. Some may even become suicidal because of the job loss.

Health problems: Stress related health problems are very common in people who have lost their jobs due to recession. The various health problems can be stomach ulcers, depression, and psychiatric problems. These need to be treated immediately to prevent the individual from becoming suicidal.

These are the common problems that are faced by people and their families due to loss of jobs during this time of recession.